Help film, edit & create short YouTube videos of events, volunteer interviews, etc. to post on social media. (Video creation & computer skills preferred)
Find stories of volunteers in our community. Create & write the story with ~200 words.
Help on event days with check-in, food, leading a volunteer team & clean-up.
Work with the Cincinnati Cares team to help plan & run training for Board Development and Social Enterprise Initiative.
Curate & write content for our monthly newsletter. Provide content and edit outgoing communications as needed.
Research & document events engaging 10+ volunteers in our event calendar, as well as community events our orgnization should be attending.
Work with a Cincinnati Cares staff member to help plan & organize day of service events, find volunteer locations, coordinate food and other logistics.
Attend volunteer events & spread the word about Cincinnati Cares.
Be the expert and Cincinnati Cares’s liaison on the nonprofits in your neighborhood. Attend community events & spread the word about Cincinnati Cares! Speak at local events as needed.
Reach out to nonprofit’s who work with youth and can engage seniors in service. (Basic computer skills preferred)