Teams of volunteer coaches facilitate our easy-to-follow curriculum with small groups of girls over the course of 10 weeks
You will have the opportunity to assist in setting up, cleaning, cooking and kitchen management, setting up activities and moderating group activities.
This opportunity allows you to participate on a one time basis per event in the capacity of set up or clean up staff, registration staff, food server, food preparation, gopher, greeter, etc,) Events range from 2 to 6 hours.
You will have the opportunity to commit for any number of days per week, per month to assist with various office tasks from answering phones to send out mailings, from doing inventory of materials to preparing materials for a program or event. We prefer that you are comfortable using various commonly used programs in the…
This opportunity allows you to participate every day during a week or two-week camp.You will have the opportunity to assist with various activities including games and crafts, food preparation, kitchen management, child supervision, drop off and pick up.
Help run the club in your particular school.
Work with and empower our Associates as part of our Production Program.
Teach valuable lessons in our Life Skills Program.