African Professionals Network (APNET)

P.o. Box 54165 Cincinnati, OH 45254
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Our missionAPNET provides an environment for African professionals and allies to network, foster partnerships; provide resources for business and professional development; and engage with the community at large.
Education, Life Skills, Poverty, Social Justice & Equality

African Professionals Network (APNET)

About usThe African Professionals Network (APNET) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2010 to promote and facilitate charitable and educational initiatives among members of the African diaspora and their allies. To ensure success and longevity, we are re-evaluating current structures, processes, and continuity plans as we plan to take APNET national. We are looking for dedicated board members with experience in non-profit management and leaders to serve on other strategic committees. We also have some opportunities for volunteers to help with our events/programs.

Board Secretary

Desired skills: Human Resources, Legal, Public Relations, Strategy Consulting, Board*, Communications*, Management*

Board Member – Technology

Desired skills: Data Analysis, Engineering, Multimedia, Web Design, Web Development, Information Technology*

Board Member – Governance

Desired skills: Legal, Board*