Board Member – Marketing/Events
Our board | Cornerstone Renter Equity has a working board who extend the agencies capacity to serve by volunteering time and efforts to support the mission of the agency. The Agency mission is as follows: We are a community oriented partner providing a customized, family centered approach to asset building and personal growth. We depend on the board to assist in guiding operations, and promoting the mission through philanthropy, volunteering, and lending expertise. The board is diverse in skill sets, ages, and backgrounds. We continue to strive for more diversity to further the work we do in the community. |
Position | CSRE seeks a board member with expertise in Marketing and Branding to better assist the agency in fine tuning our brand and messaging in the community about the impact of the work we do in OTR. A 2021 goal for the Communications and Marketing committee is to start an Equity campaign that really speaks to the benefits of families being provided a non-traditional savings asset. Another goal for 2021 is to redesign the agency website with assistance from the Communications and Marketing committee. |
Desired skills *required | Communications, Digital Marketing, Event Management, Fundraising, Marketing*, Social Media, Web Design, Web Development |
When | Bi-monthly |
Where | Zoom |
Commitment | 1 to 3 hours/month |
Donation | We strive for 100% board giving, but have no strict guidelines around financial contributions. |
Requirements |
On-boarding | The board members are on boarded by the Board chair and Executive Director through a series of meetings designed to introduce board member to the organization and its mission. All board members spend some time on the Renter Equity Committee first to ensure they gain a deeper understanding of the program and how it functions. |
Our mission | Improving lives and communities through housing, supportive services and Renter Equity®. |
Causes | Life Skills, Poverty |