Board Member – Fundraising
Our board | Cardinal Land Conservancy-Clermont Area Council Cardinal Land Conservancy – We are a seven county, SouthwestOhio Land Conservancy whose mission is to preserve the natural habitats, agricultural lands and open spaces we love by working with individuals, families and communities. Clermont Area Council –To lead Connect Clermont’s effort to maintain the rural character of Clermont County (Agenda for The Future Goal #9) by preserving and protecting natural and agricultural lands. Clermont Area Council is one of four Area Councils of the Cardinal Land Conservancy. Open Position –Clermont Area Council Committee member. Duties- Help the council increase the impact of Cardinal Land Conservancy in Clermont County by growing awareness, membership, contributions and the amount of protected land in the county. Time Commitment –• One meeting per month (1-1.5 hours), 3rd Wednesday,4:00-5:00pm at the Cincinnati Nature Center. • Participate in Clermont County promotional events and activities as needed or desired (2-4 hrs. per month when required) For more information visit our or contact Andy Dickerson, Executive Director @ 513-752-2828. |
Position | We are seeking a board position to help us meet our fundraising goals. The ideal candidate will have some experience in fundraising via directly asking for gifts and knowing their way around a customer relationship management tool. We hope to find interest and start someone on our Development Committee that will move into a board position over time. |
Desired skills *required | Diversity/Inclusion, Fundraising*, Grants |
When | 3rd Wednesday |
Where | Cincinnati Nature Center |
Commitment | 1 to 3 hours/month |
Donation | We strive for 100% board giving, but have no strict guidelines around financial contributions. |
Requirements |
Our mission | To preserve the natural habitats, waterways, and productive lands we love in southwest Ohio by working with families and communities. |
Causes | Animals |