Board Member
Health Care Access Now

7162 Reading Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45237
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Board Member

Our boardOur board focuses on governance and supportive guidance on key initiatives. The Board typically is engaged in strategic planning, representing the agency at community events, identifying/cultivating investment and other in-kind resources.
PositionHealth Care Access Now (HCAN) MissionTo improve the access to and delivery of healthcare for Greater Cincinnati’s medically underserved populations – the poor and the working poor who are often uninsured or underinsured.Standards of Conduct Duties
  • The Duty of Stewardship which requires Directors to advance the mission HCAN and ensure that it operates in accordance with state and federal laws that affect its operations.
  • The Duty of Commitment which requires Directors to be faithful to the HCAN’s mission, acting in a way that is consistent with the purposes of HCAN and applicable law.
  • The Duty of Care which requires Directors to exercise reasonable care by staying informed, participating in decisions and acting in good faith when making decisions on behalf of HCAN.
Board of Director Responsibilities
  • Identify key indicators for monitoring the status of access to health care; will develop and/or adopt policy recommendations and programs to improve access to health care in areas identified.
  • Systematically assess the HCAN’s mission, programs, initiatives and strategies; and recommend modifications to enhance the effectiveness of the organization.
  • Have fiduciary responsibility for HCAN and are responsible to:
    • review, modify and approve the annual budget for HCAN as recommended by the             Executive Committee, including all project budgets;
    • receive and accept the annual audit and/or financial report;
    • take action on the auditor’s recommendations;
    • remain informed regarding HCAN’s financial status.
  • Support the decisions of the Board before funders, volunteers, and the public.
  • Work to implement strategies to ensure the financial sustainability of HCAN;
  • Advance HCAN’s public image, listening to and speaking with constituents and public figures regarding the role and effectiveness of HCAN. The executive director is usually the primary spokesperson for the HCAN but it is essential that the board provide support in communicating the HCAN’s mission, purpose and effectiveness.
  • Ensure legal and ethical integrity and maintain accountability, adhering to the Articles of Incorporation and Code of Regulations and corporate polices.
  • Monitor relevant economic, political or social on-going conditions within HCAN service area in order to identify potential modifications for organizational priorities and initiatives.
  • Additional responsibilities of Directors are to:
    • participate in at least 80% of scheduled Board meetings, up to 6 meetings per year
    • (no delegates should attend Board meetings when Directors are unavailable);
    • participate in one annual Board retreat per year;
    •  participate in at least one committee or task force per year;
    •  assist in recruiting and orienting new Directors where appropriate;
    • assist in promoting and gaining support for the work of HCAN;
    • strengthen the effectiveness of the Board by periodically assessing the Board’s
    • performance, reviewing Board composition, structure, and the Director selection process;
    • Provide input as requested on performance of Executive Director.
Affiliated Organization ResponsibilitiesHealth Care Access Now operates as a public-private partnership and its Directors participate as representatives from affiliated organizations.  Therefore Directors have unique roles when compared to other voluntary Boards.
  • Insure affiliated organizations use HCAN as a forum for discussing access to health care and health coverage issues.
  • Insure they understand and communicate the perspectives of their affiliated organizations when collaborating with others at the HCAN table on matters of programs, policies, and actions.
Conflicting Demands
  • Enlightened Self Interest:  There may be conflicts associated with balancing the priorities of HCAN with those of Director affiliated organizations.  Directors are expected to discuss the objectives of HCAN and their organization, with the intention of finding a mutually acceptable approach.
  • Priority Issues vs. Particular Issues:  There will undoubtedly be issues impacting a segment of Greater Cincinnati’s population that will be brought to the attention of the Directors -- some of which will have great compassionate appeal.  Directors should remain focused on the priority issues while determining appropriate responses to such particular issues.
  • Balancing Needs and Priorities with Resources:  Needs, even prioritized needs, will exceed resources available to HCAN, including resources of the “time” of Directors, as well as financial and staff resources.  Directors will be challenged to direct resources to the identified priorities and seek additional resources to meet expanded priorities and needs.
Desired skills
WhenOur board on the forth Tuesday every 2 months from 8:30-10:00 AM
Commitment1 to 3 hours/month
DonationWe strive for 100% board giving, but have no strict guidelines around financial contributions.
RequirementsOur board on the forth Tuesday every 2 months from 8:30-10:00 AM. Our meetings have converted to virtual during the COVID-19 pandemic.
On-boardingOnboarding consists of meeting with 2-3 active members of the Board informally; submitting a professional resume'; meet with the CEO. Nominee applications are presented to the Board for approval. Upon approval, The Board Chair and CEO will contact approved nominee. Organizational documents are shared with new Board members for background information. Conflict of interest forms must be completed and submitted annually.
Our missionHealth Care Access Now’s mission is to improve the access to and delivery of healthcare for Greater Cincinnati’s medically underserved populations – the poor and working poor who are often uninsured or underinsured, through culturally and linguistically appropriate service delivery.
Health, Social Justice & Equality