Board Member
Cincinnati Community ToolBank

2001 Central Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45214
Cincinnati Cares Page Visit Website

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Board Member

Our boardThe ToolBank board is responsible for ensuring that the organization has the resources, leadership, and oversight necessary to advance the ToolBank mission and reach the goals set in the strategic plan. The Board consists of five standing committees: Development, Outreach, Finance, Board Engagement, and Facility & Equipment. The four officer positions (president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary) comprise the Executive Committee, which performs formal actions between full board meetings.
PositionWe are in need of a board member who is a connector and understands the importance of diversity.
Desired skills
Communications, Diversity/Inclusion*, Human Resources, Public Relations
WhenLast Tuesday of the month
WherePre COVID - at the ToolBank . Currently all meetings are via Zoom
Commitment1 to 3 hours/month
DonationWe strive for 100% board giving, but have no strict guidelines around financial contributions.
RequirementsBoard members are required to give a personal gift, attend 85% of board meetings, attend special events, serve on a committee, and participate in a number of other activities.
On-boardingPotential board members are asked to first serve on a committee. If it is a good fit for the ToolBank and candidate they will be given a board application. After completing the board application, the Board Engagement committee chair and the president will work to schedule an interview with the candidate. Typically, new board members are voted on prior to the final board meeting of the year and invited to attend the meeting. Their first official meeting would be in January after completing director orientation.
Our missionWe provide tools to enhance the charitable sector’s capacity to serve, facilitating hands-on volunteerism in the greater Cincinnati area.
Disaster Relief, Environment, Life Skills, Poverty