Board Member
Live A Language Foundation

2030 Fairfax Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45207
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Board Member

Our boardThe Live A Language Foundation's goal is to strengthen and build on existing Cincinnati Public School programs by assuring continuous world language instruction from grades PreK to 12 by supporting Ohio's Seal of Biliteracy, providing extra-curricular experiences, promoting proficiency through standardized testing and affording PreK-12 teachers exceptional professional development opportunities (i.e. travel, professional development and collaboration with organizations promoting immigrant/refugee awareness. Board members are actively involved in all aspects of promoting and supporting these goals.
PositionLive A Language Foundation's board is actively involved in pursuing the foundation's goals and objectives. The foundation sponsors after school world language classes and clubs for Cincinnati Public Schools, promotes summer world language opportunities for CPS students, and raises awareness for Cincinnati Public School students to pursue award of the State of Ohio's Seal of Biliteracy upon high school graduation. Persons with high interest and experience in world languages and cultures, education, and young people, are prime candidates for the LAL board. Interested individuals are invited to make an appointment to meet with current board members and to attend a board meeting as a guest.
Desired skills
When4 times annually - no summer meetings
WhereThe Academy of World Languages 2030 Fairfax Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45207
Commitment1 to 3 hours/month
DonationWe strive for 100% board giving, but have no strict guidelines around financial contributions.
RequirementsMake an annual monetary contribution commensurate with ability Meet 4 time annually Participate in election of officers Actively serve on an LAL committee (i.e. nominating, program, marketing, or technology). Pursue LAL Foundation goals Commit to serving a 3 year term
On-boardingProspective LAL board members meet with the nominating committee and president to share background information and member expectations. These individuals are invited to attend a board meeting as a guest. Following these introductions a meeting is scheduled to answer questions, involve in further discussion, visit CPS world language programs, and/or sign commitment forms. If applicable the new member may complete a Strengths Finders assessment prior to committing to serve on one of the four LAL committees.
Our missionThe Live A Language Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization incorporated in 2015 to promote world language learning and cross cultural understanding.
Children, Education, Poverty