Board Member Mental Health Recovery Board Serving Warren and Clinton Counties
201 Reading Rd, Mason, OH 45040
Board Member
Our board | Mental Health Recovery Board serving Warren and Clinton Counties is the local governmental board responsible for the planning, funding, monitoring and evaluation of public behavioral health services in the two counties. The Board of Directors consists of 14 volunteer members who hire and oversee the board operations through delegation to the executive director. The organization's performance is reported to the board at each meeting. Vendors are contracted annually for mandated and continuum of care services to be provided in the community. These services are needs assessment. The primary funding sources are state, federal and local levy dollars. Local levy funds account for more than 50% of the budget. |
Position | Warren or Clinton County residents who have an interest in assisting the direction of local alcohol, drug addiction and mental health services are invited to apply for a position on the volunteer board of directors for Mental Health Recovery Board Serving Warren & Clinton Counties (MHRB) coming available on July 1, 2021.MHRB is the local board of alcohol, drug addiction and mental health services covering Warren and Clinton Counties. It is responsible for planning, funding, monitoring, and evaluating the system of services of residents with mental health and/or substance abuse disorders.According to the Ohio Revised Code Chapter 340, applicants must be residents of either Warren or Clinton Counties and have an interest in mental health programs and facilities or in alcohol or drug addiction programs. Board members terms are typically 4 years in length.Selected individuals would be part of a 14 member board representing a variety of interests including professionals from the mental health and substance addiction fields, family members, individuals in recovery and community representatives. |
Desired skills *required |
When | Second Wednesday of each month plus committee assignemtn by Board Chair. Committees meet quarterly for 1-2 hours. |
Where | Currently virtually, otherwise at a slected location, usually 212 Cook Rd., Lebanon, OH 45036 |
Commitment | 1 to 3 hours/month |
Donation | We strive for 100% board giving, but have no strict guidelines around financial contributions. |
Requirements | Must be a resident of either Warren or Clinton county. Must have an interest in behavioral health .There a 6 Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services appointees that must be filled with these qualifications: 1. Addiction Consumer* 2. Addiction Clinician 3. Addiction Family Member 4. Mental Health Consumer 5. Mental health Family Member* 6. Mental Health Clinician*Warren County Commissioners appoint 6 members. 1 position available*Clinton County Commissioners appoint 2 members.The * indicates open positions |
On-boarding | Each applicant must contact MHRB for an application. Once the application is completed, the applicant will be interviewed by the Executive Director and MHR Board chair. The applications then will be passed on to the designatied appointing authority for review and final selection. |
Additional Info | Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m., currently via virtual platform.For additional information go to the MHRB website at or contact MHRB at (513) 695-1695. |
Our mission | The mission of MHRBWCC is to share hope and caring to achieve recovery from mental illness, alcoholism, and drug addiction. Our expectations for recovery include the acquisition of meaningful roles, sobriety, healthy relationships with friends and family, and a joyful life. |
Causes | Health, Social Justice & Equality |