Edit Board Info Nonprofit Details Nonprofit Name EIN Maturity --- not set --- Start-Up (0-2 years) Growing (3-5 years) Mature (6+ years) Size --- not set --- Less than 10 employees 10-25 employees 26-50 employeees 51+ employees Budget --- not set --- Less than $25,000 $25,000-$100,000 $100,000-$500,000 $500,000-$2 million $2 million-$10 million More than $10 million How did you learn about BoardBank? Not Provided Cincinnati Cares United Way Website/Staff Family/Friend/Co-Worker ArtsWave - Partner Interact for Health - Partner Leadership Council for Nonprofits OneSource Executive Service Corps. - Partner GreenLight Fund - Partner Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio - Partner JPS Non Profit Strategies - Partner Other Organization / Program Nonprofit Contact Info First name Last Name Position Phone Email Director First Name Director Last Name Director Phone Director Email Director Email Board Information Formatted Board Description Board Description Purpose: To advise, govern, oversee policy and direction, and assist with the leadership and general promotion of Whole Again so as to support the organization’s mission and needs. The major responsibilites are: Organizational leadership and advisement;Organization of the board of directors, officers, and committees; Formulation and oversight of policies and procedures, Financial management, including adoption and oversight of the annual budget; Oversight of program planning and evaluation; Evaluation and development of President and CEO; Review of organizational and programmatic reports; Promotion of the organization; Fundraising and outreach. The board works to supports the vision of the Founder. The board operates in a low stress environment to accomplish it's goals. Formatted Board Requirements Board Requirements Meetings and time commitment: •The board of directors meets January, March, May, July, September, November on the fourth Monday of the month, 7:00 p.m., at 4222 Hamilton Avenue. Meetings typically last 90 minutes. Additional meetings may be held as situations merit. •Committees of the board meet an average of four times per year, pending their respective work agenda. •Board members are asked to commit to attend at least two special events per year, as they are determined. Formatted Onboarding Onboarding Onboarding involves: Initial contact with a current board member or Founder; Visit one or more programs sites between June-August; Submit resume; Participate in board training after invitation to join the board has been accepted. Time Commitment (hours/month) 1 to 3 3 to 5 5 to 7 7+ -- Parent -- Add New When Board Meets Where Board Meets Board Size --- not set --- Under 10 members 11-20 members 21+ members Board Donations We expect our board members to make sizable contributions. Please contact for more information. We require a specific amount of “give or get” for all board members. We strive for 100% board giving, but have no strict guidelines around financial contributions. -- Parent -- Add New Additional donation expectation information Each board member must be committed to bringing in at least $5,000, or some other amount to be mutually agreed upon, in unrestricted revenue each year by: direct contribution, fundraising, sponsorships, grant solicitation, corporate donations and the like. Board Info to Listings --- not set ---