Edit Board Info Nonprofit Details Nonprofit Name EIN Maturity --- not set --- Start-Up (0-2 years) Growing (3-5 years) Mature (6+ years) Size --- not set --- Less than 10 employees 10-25 employees 26-50 employeees 51+ employees Budget --- not set --- Less than $25,000 $25,000-$100,000 $100,000-$500,000 $500,000-$2 million $2 million-$10 million More than $10 million How did you learn about BoardBank? Not Provided Cincinnati Cares United Way Website/Staff Family/Friend/Co-Worker ArtsWave - Partner Interact for Health - Partner Leadership Council for Nonprofits OneSource Executive Service Corps. - Partner GreenLight Fund - Partner Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio - Partner JPS Non Profit Strategies - Partner Other Organization / Program Nonprofit Contact Info First name Last Name Position Phone Email Director First Name Director Last Name Director Phone Director Email Director Email Board Information Formatted Board Description Board Description We are a new Board as our group has only had the contract with Clermont County since late 2017. Right now, we have about 7 people on the board and think our ideal number is 10. Our vision: We believe in the vision of a humane community and high quality, compassionate animal sheltering. In order to provide adequate food, shelter, care and companionship we reduce animal suffering by enforcing laws around their humane treatment and implementing a no-kill philosophy in everything we do. By providing sheltering for at-risk animals, animal protection services, and successful spay/neuter, diversion and owner support programs, we work to improve the lives of animals and the people who care for and about them. Formatted Board Requirements Board Requirements We are a "hands on" board and expect our members to be deeply involved in our strategy and our success. Board members do not have to be "crazy animal people" but do need to care about the welfare of animals and the people who love them- and people who understand the connection between animal welfare, and community health and livability. Our big goal is to be the role model in our region and beyond for progressive sheltering. We want our board members to be big thinkers who are willing to utilize their time, talent and treasure to do big things for the animals in our community and beyond- and have fun doing it! Formatted Onboarding Onboarding Meet with Board President and Executive Director, attend a Board meeting. Time Commitment (hours/month) 1 to 3 3 to 5 5 to 7 7+ -- Parent -- Add New When Board Meets Where Board Meets Board Size --- not set --- Under 10 members 11-20 members 21+ members Board Donations We expect our board members to make sizable contributions. Please contact for more information. We require a specific amount of “give or get” for all board members. We strive for 100% board giving, but have no strict guidelines around financial contributions. -- Parent -- Add New Additional donation expectation information Board Info to Listings --- not set ---