Edit Board Info Nonprofit Details Nonprofit Name EIN Maturity --- not set --- Start-Up (0-2 years) Growing (3-5 years) Mature (6+ years) Size --- not set --- Less than 10 employees 10-25 employees 26-50 employeees 51+ employees Budget --- not set --- Less than $25,000 $25,000-$100,000 $100,000-$500,000 $500,000-$2 million $2 million-$10 million More than $10 million How did you learn about BoardBank? Not Provided Cincinnati Cares United Way Website/Staff Family/Friend/Co-Worker ArtsWave - Partner Interact for Health - Partner Leadership Council for Nonprofits OneSource Executive Service Corps. - Partner GreenLight Fund - Partner Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio - Partner JPS Non Profit Strategies - Partner Other Organization / Program Nonprofit Contact Info First name Last Name Position Phone Email Director First Name Director Last Name Director Phone Director Email Director Email Board Information Formatted Board Description Board Description The Board is a working board made up of singing members of the chorus as well as non chorus members. Formatted Board Requirements Board Requirements Board members are expected to attend monthly board meetings. Board members are encouraged, but not required, to support the CMC by making a financial donation to the chorus of $150 or more, thus becoming a member of our Friends of the Chorus donor. Formatted Onboarding Onboarding Individuals interested in joining the board , first meet with the president and another member of the board that best aligns with their area of interest. They are encouraged to attend one of our board meetings to become more familiar with the organization. They will be asked to submit a completed application questionnaire to our Director of Planning and Board Development. That application will be reviewed and voted on by the board. Time Commitment (hours/month) 1 to 3 3 to 5 5 to 7 7+ -- Parent -- Add New When Board Meets Where Board Meets Board Size --- not set --- Under 10 members 11-20 members 21+ members Board Donations We expect our board members to make sizable contributions. Please contact for more information. We require a specific amount of “give or get” for all board members. We strive for 100% board giving, but have no strict guidelines around financial contributions. -- Parent -- Add New Additional donation expectation information None Board Info to Listings --- not set ---