Edit Board Info Nonprofit Details Nonprofit Name EIN Maturity --- not set --- Start-Up (0-2 years) Growing (3-5 years) Mature (6+ years) Size --- not set --- Less than 10 employees 10-25 employees 26-50 employeees 51+ employees Budget --- not set --- Less than $25,000 $25,000-$100,000 $100,000-$500,000 $500,000-$2 million $2 million-$10 million More than $10 million How did you learn about BoardBank? Not Provided Cincinnati Cares United Way Website/Staff Family/Friend/Co-Worker ArtsWave - Partner Interact for Health - Partner Leadership Council for Nonprofits OneSource Executive Service Corps. - Partner GreenLight Fund - Partner Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio - Partner JPS Non Profit Strategies - Partner Other Organization / Program Nonprofit Contact Info First name Last Name Position Phone Email Director First Name Director Last Name Director Phone Director Email Director Email Board Information Formatted Board Description Board Description ANGEL’S REST ANIMAL SOCIETY’S board members are men and women who act on behalf of ANGEL’S REST ANIMAL SOCIETY’s constituents, including service recipients, funders, the government, and taxpayers. The board has the principle responsibility for fulfillment of ANGEL’S REST ANIMAL SOCIETY’s mission and the legal accountability for its operations. This means that as a group, they are in charge of providing adequate supervision and support to that individual; ensuring the financial solvency of ANGEL’S REST ANIMAL SOCIETY; hiring a third-party auditor when appropriate; insuring the organization is compliant with all IRS regulations; and instituting a fair system of policies and procedures for human resource management. ANGEL’S REST ANIMAL SOCIETY board members have a duty of loyalty to the organization, its staff and other board members. While differences of opinion are sure to arise, board members should seek to keep disagreements impersonal. Practicing discretion and accepting decisions made on a majority basis will promote board unity and confidence. ANGEL’S REST ANIMAL SOCIETY board members accomplish their functions through four board meetings per year. Ideally, board members arrive at meetings prepared and ready to engage in thoughtful dialogue, and there is a group process that generates and uses the best thinking of its members. ANGEL’S REST ANIMAL SOCIETY board should be open to self-evaluation and regularly review their own composition to ensure constituent representation, and board expertise and commitment. Board members are also responsible for evaluating and determining compensation for the CEO. Formatted Board Requirements Board Requirements ANGEL’S REST ANIMAL SOCIETY’S board members are men and women who act on behalf of ANGEL’S REST ANIMAL SOCIETY’s constituents, including service recipients, funders, the government, and taxpayers. The board has the principle responsibility for fulfillment of ANGEL’S REST ANIMAL SOCIETY’s mission and the legal accountability for its operations. This means that as a group, they are in charge of providing adequate supervision and support to that individual; ensuring the financial solvency of ANGEL’S REST ANIMAL SOCIETY; hiring a third-party auditor when appropriate; insuring the organization is compliant with all IRS regulations; and instituting a fair system of policies and procedures for human resource management. ANGEL’S REST ANIMAL SOCIETY board members have a duty of loyalty to the organization, its staff and other board members. While differences of opinion are sure to arise, board members should seek to keep disagreements impersonal. Practicing discretion and accepting decisions made on a majority basis will promote board unity and confidence. ANGEL’S REST ANIMAL SOCIETY board members accomplish their functions through four board meetings per year. Ideally, board members arrive at meetings prepared and ready to engage in thoughtful dialogue, and there is a group process that generates and uses the best thinking of its members. ANGEL’S REST ANIMAL SOCIETY board should be open to self-evaluation and regularly review their own composition to ensure constituent representation, and board expertise and commitment. Board members are also responsible for evaluating and determining compensation for the CEO. II. General Requirements Board Meetings: During the course of the normal fiscal year, the board meets for one regularly scheduled full board meeting four times per year and other meetings as needed. Each board member is expected to attend and participate in ALL regularly scheduled meetings. Personal Giving: It is board policy that each board member contributes to ANGEL’S REST ANIMAL SOCIETY annually to the very best of his or her financial ability. In order to facilitate this, ANGEL'S REST ANIMAL SOCIETY will establish a "GIVE OR GET" policy in the amount of $2,000 annually per board member. We ask that each board member place ANGEL’S REST ANIMAL SOCIETY in the top three personal giving priorities. An opportunity to make a multi-year sustained gift to ANGEL’S REST ANIMAL SOCIETY will be provided by the board chairperson to each individual member of the board. Solicitation: Development is the lifeblood of ANGEL’S REST ANIMAL SOCIETY. The board as a whole and as individual members are not required, but are encouraged, to assist in development by bringing their personal networks to bear in the accomplishment of this objective. Special Events: Each board member is expected to attend major events in board member capacity to the best of their ability. Ethics: Board members at all times will act in a manner that reflects favorably on ANGEL’S REST ANIMAL SOCIETY. Board members must recuse themselves from involvement in any activity that might be a conflict of interest and place the success of ANGEL’S REST ANIMAL SOCIETY before their own personal gain. Formatted Onboarding Onboarding Upon notification of interest in serving on Angel's Rest's board of directors, interested party will be asked to submit a letter outlining qualifications. After review of letter, interested party will be asked to come in for an interview(s), tour of the facility, and a decision will be reached thereafter. Time Commitment (hours/month) 1 to 3 3 to 5 5 to 7 7+ -- Parent -- Add New When Board Meets Where Board Meets Board Size --- not set --- Under 10 members 11-20 members 21+ members Board Donations We expect our board members to make sizable contributions. Please contact for more information. We require a specific amount of “give or get” for all board members. We strive for 100% board giving, but have no strict guidelines around financial contributions. -- Parent -- Add New Additional donation expectation information It is expected that board members will be able to contribute or secure $2,000 in donations on an annual basis. Additionally, it is expected that board members will be involved in fundraising through networking, special event ticket sales or similar. Board Info to Listings --- not set ---